For readings, School visits, personalised lesson packages or media enquiries please email lindsaycoatesauthor@yahoo.com
Welcome to It's Ok!
Help Lennon name emotions and how to self regulate!!!
It's ok is an interactive children's education book written and illustrated for the purpose to help children identify, name and manage emotions. You can use the book as a resource and the included lesson plan, self- regulation ideas and Prompting questions as a guide whilst also being given the flexibility to add your own personal touch, this allows the lesson to be more personal and therefore more impactful.
Remember the book is a resource, please look at the suggested lesson plan and make it your own unique way of starting a conversation about what emotions a child feels and how they react to that emotion and discover self-regulation techniques that are helpful to each child and will help them manage these emotions!
Writing to promote childrens social and emotional wellbeing

Hey everyone,
I am a newly published author and my book 'It's Ok' is a childrens book/resource to help children identify, name and regulate emotions.
It comes complete with a suggested lesson plan, prompting questions and a few self-regulation ideas.
I believe teaching children from a young age how to develop an awareness of emotions, how to manage these and teaching them healthy coping techniques is essential and will help us all have a better understanding of what ourselves and others need.
I hope you see the endless possibilities with this book and love it just as much as I do!

Because children have big feelings too!